Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tugas 3 Softskill B.Inggris

Tugas 3 Softskill Bahas Inggris

Nama : Karlina Indah Purwanti
Kelas  : 2EB09
NPM  : 23211908 

Exercise 35 : Passive Voice
1.      The president is called by somebody  every day
2.      The other members are being called by John
3.      The documents were being delivered to the Department by Martha
4.      The amendment has been repealed by other members
5.      The information had been received before the recess by the delegates
6.      The teacher should be bought for this class by the supplies
7.      Mr. Watson will be called tonight by somebody
8.      Considerable damage has been caused by the fire
9.      A new procedure was being developed before the bankruptcy hearings begin by the company
10.  The papers will have been received by tomorrow by John

Exercise 36 : Causative Verbs
1.      To Leave
2.      Repaired
3.      Typed
4.      To call
5.      Painted
6.      Write
7.      Lie
8.      Sent
9.      Cut
10.  Signed
11.  To leave
12.  Washed
13.  To fix
14.  Published
15.  To find

Exercise 37 : Relative Clauses
1.      Who
2.      Whose
3.      Which you spoke yesterday
4.      Who the highest in the school
5.      What
6.      Who
7.      Who
8.      Whose
9.      What
10.  What
11.  Who
12.  What
13.  Whose
14.  That
15.  Whose

Exercise 38 : Relative Clause Reduction
1.      Chosen
2.      Accepted
3.      On the table
4.      Brought
5.      Drinking
6.      A professor
7.      Talking
8.      On the top
9.      Counted
10.  A doctor

Exercise 39 : Subjunctive
1.      Demand
2.      Calls
3.      Delayed
4.      Moving
5.      Take
6.      Proposed
7.      Prerequisite
8.      Prefer
9.      Stipulate
10.  Urged

Exercise 40 : Inclusives
1.      Not only
2.      Not only
3.      Both
4.      But also
5.      Not only
6.      Not only
7.      As well as
8.      But also
9.      As well as
10.  Not only